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教員氏名  スティーブン・マックウィニー 職名   講師
略歴 【学歴】
 米国メイン州立サザンメーン州(University of Southern Maine)大学
 歴史学部歴史学科 卒業
 米国バージニア私立シェナンドー(Shenandoah University)大学院
 英語教育学科修士課程 修了

 青森市教育委員会 外国語指導助手
 青森中央学院大学 非常勤英語講師
学位  修士(外国語教育)
担当する科目  英語学原文講読、Cultural Studies D、Oral CommunicationⅠA・B、ⅡA・B、
 Advanced Discourse B、CompositionⅠA・B、ⅡA・B、Academic Writing A・B
専門分野  外国語教育;Motivation and Engagement
主な業績 【著書】
1.New Ways in Teaching Speaking (共著, 2019, TESOL Press)
1.A Trip to the Crematorium
 (単著, 2019, 弘前学院大学大学院社会福祉学研究科 社会福祉学研究7号)
2.Student Engagement in Japan: Investigating Student Engagement
  from High School to University
 (単著, 2019, 弘前学院大学・文学部紀要第55号)
 (単著, 2019, 弘前学院大学英語・英米文学会学会誌 第44号)
4.The L2 motivational self system, five-factor model, and proficiency in Japanese
  university students
 (単著, 2018, Accents Asia)
5.English classroom reforms in Japan:a study of Japanese university EFL student
 anxiety and motivation(共著、2017、Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and
 Foreign Language Education)
6.Motivational Behavior and Perceived Proficiency of Japanese Undergraduate L2
 Learners:A Pilot Study(共著、2017、青森中央学院大学研究紀要Vol.28)
7.Changing Perceptions of English Among Elementary School Children in
 Rural Japan(単著、2017、青森中央学院大学研究紀要Vol.27)

 Japan Associstion for Language Teaching(JALT)
 English Teacher in Japan(ETJ)

 研修:Engagement in School and the Classroom.


Engagement in School and the Classroom.

A key aspect of learning anything is being engaged with the material. Simply going to class and sitting, listening to the teacher is not enough. It is important that students are active learners who engage with their learning experience. Students who are active both in class and in school have better learning experiences, and results. My research focuses on what facilitates engagement both in the classroom and at the university. I hope to share what I have learned and support students as they strive to be better, more engaged students and citizens.



書名 Eights Myths of Student Disengagement 著者 Jennifer A. Fredricks 出版社 Corwin 2014

Jennifer Fredricks is a leading educational expert. She is at the forefront of research on school engagement in the united states. In this book she debunks eight myths of student disengagement. She provides a wealth of tools for teachers to use to assess the level of engagement in their classrooms, as well as ideas on how to address the various problems of disengagement.

Jennifer Fredricksは有力な教育専門家です。彼女は、米国における学校の参加に関する研究を率いています。この本で彼女は、学生たちの不参加に関する8つの神話を覆しました。彼女は、講師が教室への参加を評価するために使用する方法と、さまざまな問題に対処する方法のアイデアを提供しています

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